Grandma & Mads, enjoying the drum circle |
Ella picked out her own clothes for the first time today--her purple tutu'ed bathing suit. |
I've got a little scrap of paper tucked in my wallet with a rune drawn on it and photos of strangers wearing flower crowns and antlers on my memory card. Once again, with the Autumn Equinox came the
Pagan Pride Festival out at the fair grounds. Each year it gets a little bigger and a little better attended and better organized, it seems to me. This year, we brought two new participants ourselves (well, three if you include my sister's husband, The Kid, allergic though he is to any kind of earnestness). Mads' and Ella's favorite part, other than the big, friendly dogs up for adoption, was the drum circle. I'd never seen either of them so chill for so long, so perfectly content to just sit and marinate. We'll be back next year for more drumming.
"What a little hayseed," says Grandma. |
As we were saying goodbye and finding our car in the parking lot, we could still hear the drumming and Wolfman did the goofiest thing I've ever seen him do--a little dance. I could've cried. |
How sweet!!!